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Our Business Model
Our Business Model
Sunland aims to establish itself as the frontrunner in this industry and we have grown tremendously over the past years by successfully building up our own network of Regional Distributors that meet our stringent requirements and whose products and services meet the needs and expectations of our consumers at competitive prices on a global scale.

Our business model is of three prongs which are as follows:
Distribution into Major Hypermarkets and Retailers a€“ Due to the established brands of the products that we carry and proven track record, Sunland has managed to penetrate into all Major Hypermarkets and SuperMarkets in Malaysia. Among them are

Hotels and F&B Chain outlets a€“ Leveraging on our strong marketing presence in the market, Sunland has managed to secure contracts by supplying Sunlanda€?s products into Hotels and Resorts, F&B outlets and Airline Caterers etc.
Wholesale Distribution Strategy a€“ Sunland has created an extensive distribution network of Distributors whereby these distributors shall supply our products to cafes, restaurants etc. We believe that with our attractive business model, we aim to be the key leader in supplying all western fine food products to all F&B outlets in Malaysia in years to come.